5 Futuristic Trends In Television Technology

Television has become an inseparable part of our modern lives. Today, we all have been witness to a rapid evolution and acceptance of high-end technologies in the entertainment arena. A range of televisions are bumped into the market frequently and we have experienced the technology that brings life onto the screen. Every year the television industry sets new benchmarks in terms of technology that, a decade ago, was almost unheard of. This is all done to make the things that we watch not only more realistic, vivid, portable and cost-efficient, but also more enveloping & engaging. According to CES , 2016 is going to be a milestone year in television history. Here are the trends that we are going to see in near future:

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5 Most Awaiting Smartphones

The Indian smartphone market is touching the heights of revolution. Competition in smartphone industry is rising day by day and it’s getting tougher for the companies to hold over the market and to maintain their brand position, whether it’s a ruling brand or a new bee in the industry. Every upcoming new device is a better variant of its own having some signature specs inbuilt in it.
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The Rise Of E-Cars

After every new innovation we think that what will be the next!!! Where our thoughts get saturated, there an innovator starts thinking. Every year, we see how much technology has revolved the world. In 2015 smartwatches went mainstream, now the question is, what’s next?? What’s going to hold sway the world!!!

“Update: ZeroWaste is now InstaCash

Predictions about new tech innovation can give us the goosebumps and flow the current of excitements in our nervous system. Some predictions will always be easy to make, like more people will go online and use faster & advanced devices, smartphones, and gadgets. But today let’s talk about something more exciting which can drive you crazy, Yes, the “Electric Cars”, a fast growing Tech. Innovation.

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