Keep your front load washing machine healthy & stench free

When it comes to choosing the best washing machine in today’s scenario, most of us would prefer to go for a fully automatic front load washing machine because as per the word of mouth, front load washing machines have the best washing mechanism. But these modern domestic helping hands are still not perfect. They also lack at some points.

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YU YUNICORN- A power-packed phone at an affordable price

Micromax subsidiary YU has gradually appraised with the launch of its new flagship smartphone, YU YUNICORN. They claim to overcome all the drawbacks of its previous toss Yuthopia, which heated up the talks in the news just before its launch but the poor performance of the phone spilled ice cold water on the expectations of the users.
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Top Air-Conditioner Brands In India-2016

Gone are the days when we had to wait for the winters to enjoy the cool breeze and warmth of the quilt. There is no doubt about human brains that brought the hill stations itself in our rooms and control in our hands. Yes, I am talking about an important apparatus- air-conditioner, without which it is impossible to survive during prickly summers. It has won the war against the ruthless sunlight of summers and now summers are equally enjoyable like any other season. With perks like energy saving, low electricity consumption & economical Air conditioners adorned with all latest competitive features like environment-friendliness, fragrance emission and advanced Energy Efficiency Ratio, this luxury product widely opens its way to most of the families.

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